Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Glossary Page


Production-the process of making a media product. Every industry has its own forms of production.

Circulation- a count of how many copies of a media product are distributed. This can include physical distribution and subscription.
Distribution- the process of making a media product available to audiences so that they can consume it, which includes aspects of marketing such as creating an advertising campaign.

Media Barons-wealthy owners/proprietors

Political Agenda
Socio demographic models
Web 2.0

Digital convergence

Soft news- Soft news is defined as information that is primarily entertaining or personally useful. Soft news is often compared to hard news, which John Zaller defines as the "coverage of breaking events involving top leaders, major issues, or significant disruptions in the routines of daily life."

Hard news-Hard new generally refers to up-to-the-minute news and events that are reported immediately, while soft news is background information or human-interest stories. Politics, war, economics and crime used to be considered hard news, while arts, entertainment and lifestyles were considered soft news.

Ownership refers to who financially supports and produces the paper.  Newspaper owners may acquire more than one brand (consolidation) which helps the owner target different audiences, gaining a larger market share.

Print News Audience:

An audience can be defined as a group of people or the market that a product or message is aimed at

Psychometric is another way of categorising audiences.  One way is to use VAL’s  typology which consists of
Lifestyle or behaviour

Target Audience:  a specific group of people targeted by the newspaper made of different demographics and psychometric

Mass Audience: a very large audience including a large a wide range of people made of different demographics and psychometric.  Print traditionally attracts a mass audience

Niche audience: a small select group who have a unique interest.

Advertising: Is the process of making a product or service known to the market and the target audience.

Marketing: is the process of preparing a product for the marketplace.  Advertising is one of several components used in the marketing strategy.

Digitally convergent media: Video games consoles are an excellent example of a digitally convergent device, you can not only play games but access social media, surf the internet, stream films and TV content and upload content into cloud based servers. Cross-media content helps maximise profits and also improve reach to new customers. 

Production: This refers to all phases of designing, developing and making the media product;. 

Distribution: This refers to all processes linked to delivering the media product to audiences both through tangible (disc) and digital (Cloud based) media. 

Consumption: Explores the way in which the media text is used by audiences for pleasure but also explores the rise of user generated content across several platforms. 

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