Representation: is
how media texts deal with and present gender, age, ethnicity, national and
regional identity, social issues and events to an audience.
Stereotypes: are
a simplified representation of a person, groups of people or a place, through
basic or obvious characteristics - which are often exaggerated.
Words that go along with images to give meaning to them in a specific context;
includes captions in newspapers and taglines on film posters.
Assumptions that are held about a social
They are often used in a negative or
prejudicial sense and are frequently used to justify certain discriminatory
Stereotyping is an important concept in
terms of representation.
Essay jc from kelsiocx
Counter Stereotype-
A counter-stereotype is an idea or object that goes against a standardised mental picture that is held in common by members of a group and that represents an oversimplified opinion, prejudiced attitude, or uncritical judgement. Although counter-stereotypes arise in opposition to stereotypes, they may eventually become stereotypes themselves if they are too popular.
In patriarchal culture, the way women’s
bodies are represented as objects is different to the representation of male
bodies as spectacle.
Gender is preformative – our ideas of femininity and masculinity are constructed in our performances of these roles. Gender is ‘what we do’ rather than ‘what we are’. Moreover, gender is contextual – its meaning changes with cultural and historical contexts.
Counter Stereotype-
A counter-stereotype is an idea or object that goes against a standardised mental picture that is held in common by members of a group and that represents an oversimplified opinion, prejudiced attitude, or uncritical judgement. Although counter-stereotypes arise in opposition to stereotypes, they may eventually become stereotypes themselves if they are too popular.
A positive stereotype.
•Focuses on positive elements of a group
traditionally represented as bad.
•Still an oversimplification of the
enormous diversity featured with the group.
Van Zoonen Theory-
believes the media portray images of stereotypical women and this behaviour reinforces societal views. The media does this because they believe it reflects
dominant social values (what people believe in) and male producers are
influenced by this. This is a patriarchy (a society ran by men for men) which
dominates and oppresses women.
Gender is preformative – our ideas of femininity and masculinity are constructed in our performances of these roles. Gender is ‘what we do’ rather than ‘what we are’. Moreover, gender is contextual – its meaning changes with cultural and historical contexts.
Female & Men from kelsiocx
These magazine covers show us that men are spectacle which means a visually striking performance or display whereas women on the other hand are being shown as sexualized, describing the patriarchy which is society that is ran by men for men. Leading to them being shown as objects in society, also the point of them being objectified just for their look/ their bodies. Media is ran by men, so articles get published from a males point of view plus they make it for what men want to see.
Femininity- Masculinity-
Sound: find two examples of the lyrics and sound
which relate to the female stereotypes (explain your examples)
Femininity- Masculinity-
Caring Selfish
Nurturing Aggressive
Irrational Rational
Family Orientated Public, work-orientated
Sensitive Insensitive
Lazy Active
Gentle Rough
Soft Hard
& Bonnie Bullough (1993) -
Gender roles are equated with masculinity and femininity, male as provider
female as nurturer. These two concepts can help us understand how gender is
social construction directly linked to heterosexual roles.
all you ever did was break me- shows how women are seen as emotional/sensitive and also weak.
instead of using force- the power men have over women.
Mise –en-Scene: find two examples from the set, props,
costume, lighting, makeup which relate to the female stereotypes (explain your
examples). Add screen shots to support
your reasoning.
Wrecking bell naked, shown as a sexual object.
The wrecking ball also shows shes breaking out of society being her own individual.
Revealing clothes, go with what men want
you to be like that, o what they portray you as like an object.
Wrecking ball, reference to relationships
and breaking through stereotypes to be your own person, go against society.
Editing: find
two examples of how the video was edited through e.g. the way the video was
cut, the way the video was treated colour adjustment, brightness/darkness etc.,
use of special effects which relate to the female stereotypes (explain your
examples). Add screen shots to support
your reasoning.
quick change in scenes.
bright lights.
Camera work: find
two examples of how use of camera work
relate to the female stereotypes (explain your examples). Add screen shots to
support your reasoning.
shots from above, women are less important than men.
close ups
Zooming in on her body to show
Note camera work relates to choice of
camera angle, close ups, mid shots, head shots, etc.
to show emotions, and to enhance her message spread in the video.
News Articles from kelsiocx
Van Zoonens theory suggests to us that magazines/newspapers or just media in general is ran by men for men leading to their views being completely different to a females perspective compared to a mans perspective, showing the readers what they want to see, so they could lie just to make some readers believe that its what they want and not the truth. These two images stereotype women because from the Daily Mail side it shows us that women are nurturing/ family oriented building the idea that all women want kids and want to protect their child and their health, leading to the headline of "ONE GLASS OF JUICE A DAY RAISES RISK OF CANCER", meaning they could potentially not give the child a chance to try it because they feel it will be a continuation from that point forward whereas on The Mail it shows the sexualized point of view from a mans perspective towards women, it also suggests that men will make the women buy them sex toys so it doesn't ruin the reputation of that certain person which in this case was a minister. In the first image the copy describes the thoughts of the mothers being terrified towards the fact that if your child drinks juice/fizzy drinks they will get cancer compared to the second newspaper which the copy is mostly about sexism in the work place contributing to how that man or men has power so if she wouldn't do it she could be fired and lose her reputation maybe for a job shes going for. The mast head of these newspapers is quite significant because they are basically the same however the daily one is more appropriate for everyone however the second one isn't and the articles are more for people of an older age. The San- Serif font stands out to us because its in all capitals and its also bold meaning that it is an eye catcher because thats the first thing you look at as well as the main image which draws in more female readers on the first newspaper because it relates to them whereas the second one is a bit of mixture between men and women. However the colour is also quite significant due to the fact that the colours are pink and purple which are colours that females like/ drawn to. On both newspapers the stand first is quite different through the way of how its written like the first newspapers stand first gets you straight to the point so you have a good idea on how the rest of the article is going to be like, although the second newspaper does get straight to the point when you read it further it starts to go off topic making you read something that has nothing to do with the headline on the cover. I think that the mode of address of each newspaper is that its quite formal with the images and the way that the article has been presented along side with the text surrounding the point. The Daily Mail has a right wing bias due to the fact that it talks about criticising labour also The parts where they highlight celebrities' weight gain, invasions of privacy and sexualised pictures of teenage girls, are complemented by right wing rhetoric meaning it has a right wing audience. On the other hand The Mail supports that point of being right wing as well due to the fact that they are the same newspaper but ones daily and ones weekly. Leading to it going against the left wing audience and not having the left wing bias.
Van Zoonens theory suggests to us that magazines/newspapers or just media in general is ran by men for men leading to their views being completely different to a females perspective compared to a mans perspective, showing the readers what they want to see, so they could lie just to make some readers believe that its what they want and not the truth. These two images stereotype women because from the Daily Mail side it shows us that women are nurturing/ family oriented building the idea that all women want kids and want to protect their child and their health, leading to the headline of "ONE GLASS OF JUICE A DAY RAISES RISK OF CANCER", meaning they could potentially not give the child a chance to try it because they feel it will be a continuation from that point forward whereas on The Mail it shows the sexualized point of view from a mans perspective towards women, it also suggests that men will make the women buy them sex toys so it doesn't ruin the reputation of that certain person which in this case was a minister. In the first image the copy describes the thoughts of the mothers being terrified towards the fact that if your child drinks juice/fizzy drinks they will get cancer compared to the second newspaper which the copy is mostly about sexism in the work place contributing to how that man or men has power so if she wouldn't do it she could be fired and lose her reputation maybe for a job shes going for. The mast head of these newspapers is quite significant because they are basically the same however the daily one is more appropriate for everyone however the second one isn't and the articles are more for people of an older age. The San- Serif font stands out to us because its in all capitals and its also bold meaning that it is an eye catcher because thats the first thing you look at as well as the main image which draws in more female readers on the first newspaper because it relates to them whereas the second one is a bit of mixture between men and women. However the colour is also quite significant due to the fact that the colours are pink and purple which are colours that females like/ drawn to. On both newspapers the stand first is quite different through the way of how its written like the first newspapers stand first gets you straight to the point so you have a good idea on how the rest of the article is going to be like, although the second newspaper does get straight to the point when you read it further it starts to go off topic making you read something that has nothing to do with the headline on the cover. I think that the mode of address of each newspaper is that its quite formal with the images and the way that the article has been presented along side with the text surrounding the point. The Daily Mail has a right wing bias due to the fact that it talks about criticising labour also The parts where they highlight celebrities' weight gain, invasions of privacy and sexualised pictures of teenage girls, are complemented by right wing rhetoric meaning it has a right wing audience. On the other hand The Mail supports that point of being right wing as well due to the fact that they are the same newspaper but ones daily and ones weekly. Leading to it going against the left wing audience and not having the left wing bias.
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