Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Revision Notes


Musicians – jazz, hip-hop and soul
Sportsmen and women
Socially dysfunctional
Prostitute/sexually promiscuous
The stud/pimp

Alvarado’s Race Theory (1978)

1500-1900 countries wanted to go and take over other countries, Britain did it to India, the Caribbean and Africa, they used boats installed a new government, military acted as they owned it. People who lived there had to obey the British people, increasing the empire, making it more powerful, owning- resources, land people

Gilroy believes its still in media today, ethnic minorities are shown as powerless, weak dehumanised and marginalised
White western are shown as more powerful, successful and important.

Ideas about gender from the media products we consume, men as action heroes, brave strong, looked at the context, historical cultural, different countries have different ideas, women are objectified in the media, we live in patriarchal culture
Women- emotional nursing
Men- individual suited to business represnetd as spectacle.

Van Zoonen-

In patriarchal culture, the way women’s bodies are represented as objects is different to the representation of male bodies as spectacle.

Gender is performative – our ideas of femininity and masculinity are constructed in our performances of these roles. Gender is ‘what we do’ rather than ‘what we are’.

Moreover, gender is contextual – its meaning changes with cultural and historical contexts.

Using van Zoonen’s theory identify the aspects of the theory that apply

Discuss what these representations perpetuate the stereotypes prevalent in society

Discuss the media language used by the paper in these representation.
Identify the Appeals used to attract the audience

Discuss the wider effects on society in perpetuating these stereotypes  using Gerbner’s theory

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