Thursday, December 12, 2019

Viewpoints and Ideologies

Welfare- the health, happiness, and fortunes of a person or group.

Stuart Halls Reception Theory-
Media products are encoded with ideas from the producers by creating stories/characters want audience to decode the message, some audiences will take the opposite approach
Might read texts in different ways for different reasons

Preferred- particular messages have been accepted by audiences and what the producers wanted them to negotiate
Oppositional- interpret the media product and don't take on board the message that the producers wanted, racism and sexism
Negotiated- Between them both, an audience member understands it and accepts it however they reject the other parts.

A 30 year old white non disabled man who is a middle/skilled working class Succeeder/Aspirer would be more likely to receive the preferred reading of the text because the preferred characteristic states that particular messages have been accepted by audiences and what the producers wanted them to understand, as some producers create stories and characteristics to represent the audience that they want them to decode the message, so starting off with the 30 year old man he would be encouraged to buy this product due to the fact that the man in the advert is around the same age and has a strong physique to entice them to buy it to be like the model. The factor of jealously is also there as the Old Spice advert continuously has the same image of a young good looking man with a good physique to make the person watching it want to believe that he could look and be like that, the added facial expressions lead us to the fact that he is confident and knows that he can capture your attention quite quickly leading towards beauty appeal where females could buy the product for their men and males buy it to have the same value of masculinity as the model is looking into you eyes, and giving you a direct mode of address. The middle/skilled working class aspect is an effective response to this product as they will be able to buy the product and it gives them the sense that they are on an exotic escape to get away from reality. The Succeeder will want the best products even though they might not be able to afford it they want the high social status which is feeling included in the audience. The aspirer wants status so they believe that if they get this product and use it he will gain the same status as the man on the advert and get more attention.

A white non-working female who is a pensioner and a struggler would most likely to have an oppositional or negotiated reading of the text because the oppositional characteristics states that they interpret the media product and don’t take on board the message that the producers wanted which could have links to sexism whereas a negotiated reading of the text states that they are between them both, they understand and accept parts of it but they reject other parts of it as people read texts in different ways for different reasons. So with the female being a pensioner she might not have the same modern views that adverts have nowadays, so she could be confused trying to decode the message which is what the producers wanted so she might not understand the concept of it. The idea of her being non-working makes us believe that she could be retired or an house wife, suggesting that she may buy these as a gift however with her being a struggler this product suits her as it states that  she has a live for the day attitude, seeks themselves as a victim and seeks escape meaning that she might have this product not for the actual purpose of the product but just for her to believe that if she has this product she can escape from her reality and live a life that she always wanted to or she could buy it as a gift for someone to. This shows us that she is part of the negotiated reading because she understands the aspects of the escape and make her feel like she’s on a tropical island however she doesn’t understand the meaning of why men want to buy it or why women buy it for men however the oppositional reading she understands what the product is but doesn’t take into consideration what the producers wanted to show or the message behind it, which she could take offence from as she has no need for the product and with her not being able to afford it, she wants the ideas and concepts of escaping but not the actual purpose for the product. In which men have a different need for it compared to her. Meaning that for someone like her it might not be the product for her.

The ideology of this advert is the dominance of men in sports, the caged aspect would be
C- middle class
A- young
G- Male
E- White
D- None

I chose these certain aspects because from the use of the celebrity endorsement, colour palette and the escape which is aimed at men, with connoations of the male gender as it is aimed at men because the celebrity would link to many aspiring footballers who want to go to his level of football so from using this drink as an add on it would make men feel they if they want to be the best they need to buy the drink from Gareth Bale being the main image. Lucozade is not an expensive product which many people could buy and its suitable for the people that they are targetting.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Revision Notes


Musicians – jazz, hip-hop and soul
Sportsmen and women
Socially dysfunctional
Prostitute/sexually promiscuous
The stud/pimp

Alvarado’s Race Theory (1978)

1500-1900 countries wanted to go and take over other countries, Britain did it to India, the Caribbean and Africa, they used boats installed a new government, military acted as they owned it. People who lived there had to obey the British people, increasing the empire, making it more powerful, owning- resources, land people

Gilroy believes its still in media today, ethnic minorities are shown as powerless, weak dehumanised and marginalised
White western are shown as more powerful, successful and important.

Ideas about gender from the media products we consume, men as action heroes, brave strong, looked at the context, historical cultural, different countries have different ideas, women are objectified in the media, we live in patriarchal culture
Women- emotional nursing
Men- individual suited to business represnetd as spectacle.

Van Zoonen-

In patriarchal culture, the way women’s bodies are represented as objects is different to the representation of male bodies as spectacle.

Gender is performative – our ideas of femininity and masculinity are constructed in our performances of these roles. Gender is ‘what we do’ rather than ‘what we are’.

Moreover, gender is contextual – its meaning changes with cultural and historical contexts.

Using van Zoonen’s theory identify the aspects of the theory that apply

Discuss what these representations perpetuate the stereotypes prevalent in society

Discuss the media language used by the paper in these representation.
Identify the Appeals used to attract the audience

Discuss the wider effects on society in perpetuating these stereotypes  using Gerbner’s theory

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Advertising & Marketing (Shelter)


Shelter helps people in housing need by providing advice and practical assistance, and fights for better investment in housing and for laws and policies to improve the lives of homeless and badly housed people.

Financial Information-

  • Total incoming resources: £60,902,000
  • Total expenditure: £62,874,000
  • Fundraising costs: £18,852,000
  • Total cost of charitable activities: £44,022,000

Sources of funding-

  • Donations and legacies 54%
  • Housing advice and support services 29%
  • Shelter shops 14%
  • Training and publications 2%
  • Other 2%
Homelessness in
UK- 320,000    1/201
London- 170,000
Half of the homeless people live in London

How much it's increased?
Last Decade- Gone up by 100% ( doubled)

Affordable Homes
Housing Crisis
Domestic Abuse
Mental Health

Shows how we take advantage of what we have and that we are lucky, the persuasive statements are the writing in red because they want you to read that first and it will entice you to read the rest of it and feel sympathy for them, makes you realise things. There is one rhetorical question which is 'Bu where will we live' and the rest are statements. The fear is that it can happen to anyone.

Viewpoints and ideologies-
'A home for Everyone' campaign, the advert reinforces a viewpoint that social inequality has injustice and that the people in position of wealth and social power have a duty to help whereas those who don't. The advert supports a social, liberal view with the idea that we have a social duty to help each other.
It reinforces the ideological values of individualism by suggesting that every individual has the right to self fufilment and a better life including those who have less than others.
This value is reinforced through the ideology of consumerism by using the advert form, which is relied on by the consumption of messages and values to create empathy and persuade the audience to donate.

Audience response and interpretation-
The preferred reading of the advert is that homelessness can happen to anyone for a number of different reasons, An additional preferred meaning suggests that we should feel empathy and responsibiltiy for helping others who are less fortunate than ourselves, the audience response to the advert and the interpretation of it wll depend on the demographic and experience of the audience. In particular it will depend on their views towards charity and how they represent to the representations constructed.

Study tip-

Middle class woman- They may respond to the preferred meaning as quite negotiated as in the middle class you have enough money to care for yourself and your family but sometimes it might be tight, so I put her as negotiated because some months she could donate to the charity when they have enough for themselves to get through and when money is quite tight to not donate so its a couple of months donate a couple of months not.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Advertising & Marketing (Old Spice)

Media language : How the media through their forms, codes, conventions and techniques communicate meaning(s).

Old Spice-

The representation in this advert is that men should be independent and have their own scent leading to why the slogan is 'smell like a man' as most of the body washes have quite feminine scents in which their aim is to make you smell like a man making you feel powerful. Their message is
We're not saying this body wash will make your man smell like a romantic millionaire jet fighter pilot, but we are insinuating it. The beauty appeal of this is that as he is quite a young good looking man, men might buy it to feel like they are him and get the same experience whereas women might buy it for a man to make them try and be like he is. Physique has also been used as in most of the advertisements he has his shirt off which links to him being strong and muscular. This links to the sexual attractiveness as well. In the race aspect he links to being exotic due to the fact that he is mostly at the beach with his top off, he is not really seen to be dangerous whereas Terry Crews when he did it seemed to be, he has quite a bit of dry humour and Terry Crews is more energetic and humourous. There is no factor of pitied. The black stereotypes shown are sports-people, comedians and promiscous/sexual and not criminals, gangsters and musicians.

Mise en Scene-

The arrangement of the scenery, props, etc. on the stage of a theatrical production or on the set of a film.

The setting or surroundings of an event.

This advertisement is from the 1970's and it focuses on the brand Old Spice, it shows the man to be the centre of attention with the women focusing on him, it shows to the customers that this will happen to you if you wear thisaftershave/body wash. The adverts have changed a lot from 1970-2010 with it being the same concept as each other but a different way of presenting it, there is more women see in the earlier adverts whereas in the 2010's it's men voicing the message. It has the same font in both linking to the heritage from the product.
 Celebrity Endorsement- Isaiah Mustafa and Terry Crews, sells the product
Humour- Dry humour with Isaiah Mustafa, but humourous/ more energetic with Terry Crews
Escape- Made from The Bahamas, like an exotic getaway
Unfinished Claim- 'This fact is not fact checked' adds humour, being honest and relatable.
 Logo - The same font and logo, keeping the heritage
Product Image- Being two different sizes, good if you just want to try it, shows variations
Typeface/font style- Two different styles, eye catching.
Shot types and angles- Close up to focus on him and then a long shot to capture the scenery and product.
Composition and rule of thirds- one third is Isaiah Mustafa and the other two thirds is the writing and the product.
 Colour palette- Bright colours and eye catching
Special effects/image manipulation- Editing to create the scenery of the products environment
Location and settings- Made to seem like it's on a beach when in reality it's in a studio, relates to the scent of The Bahamas
Costume and Makeup- His body is covered in sand to blend in with the scenery
Register/mode of address- It is humourous and informal as they are not really taking it seriously to fit in with the message of the product.
Anchorage- We read from left to right so we have put the main image on the left so it is the first you will see, captures attention.
Intertexuality- Relates to audiences from him playing a role in a tv series and being a sports- person relates to more people.

The female gaze is a feminist film theoretical term representing the gaze of the female viewer. It is a response to feminist film theorist Laura Mulvey's term, "the male gaze", which represents not only the gaze of a heterosexual male viewer but also the gaze of the male character and the male creator of the film.

Uses and gratification theory seeks to understand why people seek out the media that they do and what they use it for. UGT differs from other media effect theories in that it assumes that individuals have power over their media usage, rather than positioning individuals as passive consumers of media.

It assumes that members of the audience are not passive but take an active role in interpreting and integrating media into their own lives. The theory also holds that audiences are responsible for choosing media to meet their needs. The approach suggests that people use the media to fulfill specific gratifications.

Personal Identity, Information, Entertainment and Social Interaction

Postmodernism- A late 20th-century style and concept in the arts, architecture, and criticism, which represents a departure from modernism and is characterised by the self-conscious use of earlier styles and conventions, a mixing of different artistic styles and media, and a general distrust of theories.

Viewpoints and ideologies

Old Spice Smell like a man campaign can be seen to reinforce patriarchal ideology.   

The use of Isaiah Mustafa to promote the product and slogan will reinforce the ideological dominance of men within society.

The advert constructs representations that communicate to men and women. The idea that the product if purchased willlead to self fulfilment and men become better men.
The advert draws on common patriarchal stereotypes such as

- Male dominance - power(body image, facial expression)
-Black Men (Sports- Comedy)
- Sexually attractive women

It uses visual codes in media language to appeal to the target audience.
The advert also reinforces ideological assumptions about :

-The appearance of others




The representation of masculinity also (arguably) reinforces ethnic stereotypes of the hypersexualised black male within the media.